CRALO 2022 Conference and AGM  “Leveraging Disruption for Change”

In Person Hosted by George Brown College & Sheridan College

Wednesday November 16th to Friday November 18th, 2022:  George Brown College, Waterfront Campus & Westin Harbour Castle

Date Item Time
Wednesday November 16th Registration Opens 12 noon
Lunch 12:30 to 1:30pm
Sub Committee Meetings 1:30 to 3:30pm
Pecha Kucha 3:45 to 5:15pm
Social with Sponsors 5:30 to 6:30pm
Dinner on your own 6:30 to 9pm
Hotel 9pm-12am
Thursday November 17th Breakfast 8am to 9am
Conference 9am to 4pm
Cocktails and Awards Dinner 5:30 to 10pm
Friday November 18th Breakfast 8am to 9am
Conference 9-11am
AGM 11-12:30pm
Closing and Lunches to go 12:30pm

Registrations to the Conference and Hotel Reservations close on Friday October 28, 2022.